
Does your company have more than one software package or database? Does your company have data silos where you can’t compare data or use it together? Are you frustrated that these packages don’t talk to each other or that it takes effort to pull information and put it together in reports?

Many companies have multiple incompatible databases and could use assistance breaking down the data silos between software packages and even departments. Data Foundations has the potential to allow even the smallest company to gain from the increased productivity of integrating their data for management reports or operations. It allows companies to maximize the investment they have already made in software applications while getting the benefits of data integration with minimal disruption.

Dashboard2See important information, trends and essential business ratios in real time with the Data Foundations Dashboard. Compare metrics across databases. See them graphically. Data integration often means switching software and adopting large enterprise resource planning packages that are costly, difficult to learn and are disruptive during the transition. Data Foundations offers companies a non-disruptive, affordable way to achieve Enterprise Information Integration.

Information from across a business can be integrated and display on a Data Foundations Dashboard.

Dashboard vs Costly Disruptive Conversion to ERP

  • Data integration often means switching software and adopting large enterprise resource planning packages that are costly, difficult to learn and are disruptive during the transition. We offer companies a non-disruptive way to achieve data integration for management reports.
  • Management data is far easier to display. Get the reporting benefits of enterprise resource planning or ERP without the dislocation, without being forced to change your business to match the software and without the cost of implementing ERP. Data integration often means switching software and adopting large enterprise resource planning packages that are costly, difficult to learn and are disruptive during the transition. We offer companies a non-disruptive way to achieve data integration for management reports.

Analysts call it Enterprise Information Integration. Now it can be available for small, medium or large companies or organizations. With Data Foundations Dashboards real-time reporting from multiple incompatible databases is now possible.

Compare metrics across databases

See them graphically

Discover the advantage of knowing what is happening immediately with Real Time Management Dashboards using Data Foundations